lost out, beat up, dancin' down there,
I found you somewhere out, right 'round there.
Отредактировано Holden Reid (06-03-2019 20:05:36)
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Вы здесь » Arkham » Сгоревшие рукописи » lost and beat up
lost out, beat up, dancin' down there,
I found you somewhere out, right 'round there.
Отредактировано Holden Reid (06-03-2019 20:05:36)
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When you were young you used to dream about fires and scream into the night to find me standing
barefoot at your side. I used to whisper it will be alright and lay down at your side, and take your tiny hands into mine. And how was I to know I'm not strong. I should have saved you.
Отредактировано Holden Reid (09-02-2019 19:11:49)
♥ ♥ ♥
Отредактировано Alan Keating (07-03-2019 00:28:18)
[indent] [indent] [indent] [indent] [indent] [indent] [indent] …there isn't a word in the world to heal me.
Отредактировано Alan Keating (09-03-2019 21:37:49)
Вы здесь » Arkham » Сгоревшие рукописи » lost and beat up